The thing of the past seemed to be catalog subscriptions. You sit at home and pick through the catalogs until you come to that PERFECT item, then you order it and your done!!
Well things are changing now with the planet and everyone is actually paying attention to the garbage that is left lying around just stinking up our landfills. Well what if I could tell you that you could look at all your Favorite Catalogs online in the safety of your own home and you won’t be filling up the landfills with needless junk mail! 🙂  I knew you guys would like this one!
So all you have to do is head overHERE and sign up for Catalog Spree. They also let you keep track of your favorite stores and companies and they even put a banner over the ones that have sales.
- No pressure to buy
- No frozen feet and fingers as you run from one shop to the other
- No stress
- Easier to stay within your budget
- No picking up extras that you don’t need and raising that Christmas cost
- and it just happens to be fun!!
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