Great places to find printable coupons

Here are some great places to find printable coupons –

Finding Printable Coupons On Manufacturer Websites

Several manufacturers now offer coupons on their company websites or have created consumer-friendly websites that feature articles, product information, buyer’s clubs, printable coupons and other promotional information.

You can find links to the websites by doing Internet searches of the company name or checking product packaging for a website address.


Finding Printable Coupons On Store Websites

Many stores now have printable store coupons available online. Stores routinely email coupons and other promotional information when you register on their websites. The coupons are often exclusive to registered members only and are higher in value than the other store coupons.

To help you locate supermarket websites, visit the National Grocery Store Website page which has links to the websites of many of the grocery stores nationwide.

Finding Coupons on Social Media Sites

There is a growing trend for companies to offer coupons and free product samples through social media sites like Facebook.

To get access to most Facebook coupons you will need to “Like” the Facebook page that has the coupon that you want to print.

You may also be asked to permit an “app” to load in order to print many of the Facebook coupons.

Once you print the coupons that you want you can always go into your privacy settings and delete the app. You can also “Unlike” any Facebook page from your list.



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