Give me some input!!! Please!!

Good morning all! I am asking for a little help! 🙂 I am going to start a blog post about saving money using things that are home made!!! This can range from home made dish soap to how to make home made microwave popcorn! We all have ways that we know how to do certain things and I would like to have a place we can go to share it with others!! No idea is too big or small!! Please leave me a comment with specific instructions or recipe’s or you can email me at


Thank you so much!!!



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What Others Have Said:



  2. My mom is making laundry soap but I want to see how it comes out before I share. Thanks for the giveaway!

  3. Hope Holland says

    Laundry Soap 1 part borax
    1 part washing soda

    Mix together and use about 1 Tbs per medium load of wash.

    Baby Wipes #1

    1 roll of paper towels, cut in half so they’re shorter
    1 baby wipes container or something similar
    1/4 cup baby bath soap
    water, about 2 cups

    Baby Wipes #2 with Oil

    1 roll of paper towels, cut in half so they’re shorter
    1 baby wipes container or something similar
    2 Tbs baby bath soap
    1 Tbs baby oil
    water, about 2 cups

    For either, mix the liquids together. Put the paper towels in the container and pour the soap and water (and oil) mix over them.

  4. jodi leah baird says

    my favorite way to save money is on cleaning supplies.i use white vinager on almost everything i takes hard water stains better then any thing and you can also add it to your wash and act as a softner.i also take it in the summer time and mix it with water and spray the front of my house to keep the flies and gnats away.i use it for alot of things.other then that i use coupons with sale items to save a whoel lot of money.

  5. I f you need to polish silver you can use the inside of a banana peel. Great way to have the kids help without worrying about chemicals.

    You can also use ketchup to clean copper bottomed pans.

  6. Bianca Roman says

    My mom found a recipe (and I think she had heard of it a long time ago) about making your own laundry soap using borax soap and some other things. I think this is a great idea! If I find the recipe, I will paste it to you <3

  7. Nyeasia Pippin says

    I think that’s a good idea! Handmade soaps, detergent, etc. I’m all for it!

  8. brittney mason says

    You can use lotion as a frizz serum. I use it when my hair is in a ponytail and I have flyaways!

  9. Charity Lummel says

    I would love to find a lotion recipe for sensitive skin.

  10. Lori Berncich says

    Thanks for doing this:-) Happy Holidays.

  11. Michelle Mattioda says

    that’s a great idea!!!

  12. Elisa Palermo says

    If you have pans that have that Yucky sticky ick on the bottom of it that is just so hard to scrub out, then boil the pan with some water in the bottom of it, once it cames to a boil, take a teaspoon of baking soda and put it in the pan while boiling, be careful thou, it does bubble up alot, then take to the sink and wash out, all that Yucky grit now come right off! :0)

  13. heather miller says

    I dont know about any myself.but i sure have learned a few from others comments.thank you I am going to watch this and see others great things that help cut back on cost.

  14. Amber Lovell says

    Wow this sounds like a great idea I don’t have any to help you out however LOL

  15. I am always happy for new ideas!

  16. christi baham willie says

    I think you have came up with a GREAT idea!!!

  17. beth kelsay says

    I have a cheap way of making some of the best choc chip cookies. Started doing it 28 yrs ago when my son couldn’t get enough cookies. A white cake mix, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup oil, choc chips. Mix together, put in preheated 350 degree oven and bake 9-11 mins on a greased cookie sheet! AWESOME!!

  18. Kelly Burroughs Crowell says

    I can’t wait to read all the wonderful ideas that people give you!!

  19. That sounds like a very good idea! I know I could put some of those kinds of things to good use!

    Scrub stained plastic storage containers (from, say, tomato sauce or the like) with a paste of lemon juice and baking soda. To make the paste, add just enough lemon juice to the baking soda to give it a consistency that will not run if applied to a vertical surface.

    Renew old sponges, nylon scrubbers, and scrub brushes by soaking them overnight in a solution of 4 tbsp baking soda to 1 qt water.

  20. holly allen says

    I <3 make it yourself recipes! I am just starting out myself, wish I had some great ideas. GREAT $$$ saver! Ty!

  21. Melissa McGill says

    Oatmeal Playdough


    1 part flour
    1 part water
    2 parts oatmeal

    Combine all ingredients in a bowl; mix well and knead until smooth.
    This playdough is not intended to be eaten, but it will not hurt a child who decides to taste it.
    Store covered in refrigerator.
    Your child can make this playdough without help; however, it doesn’t last as long as cooked playdough.

  22. cindy mckean says

    Sounds fantastic!!

  23. Sugar body scrub: 1/2 white sugar, 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Use it in the tub after you cleanse, but be careful, the tub might get slippery!

    Peppermint foot scrub: Same recipe as above, but add 3 drops of peppermint essential oil!

    Lavender spray: 2 cups of distilled water, a few drops of lavender essential oil (add more or less according to preference). You can spray this on pillows or on your body!

    Use a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of sugar for a great lip exfoliator!

  24. souinds like a lot of fun

  25. I love this Idea!

  26. This is an awesome idea. Unfortunately I have nothing to contribute but I can’t wait to read the list. I’m already thinking of trying the baby wipes recipe since I have 2 kids in diapers

  27. Julie McDonald says

    homade body scrubs . SOmetime scrubs can be outrage for us working families .
    home made lemon scrub
    1 cup of sugar
    1/2 cup olive oil . ( any kind will do i use walmart brand )
    1TBS lemon zest ( about a whole lemon )
    then i take the lemon and cut it in have and stic k about have a TBS in there ( its makes the scent stronger ) ( i love the smell of lemons )
    thn mix everything together and stick in a jar and use on ur body .

  28. I love all of these ideas.Aanyway these could be put in a word doc or one spot on your blog?