Here is a cheap kids activity and it makes a great Christmas Tradition!! 🙂
Magic Reindeer Food Recipe
1/2 cup uncooked oatmeal
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup red or green sugar crystals (the kind used for cake decorating)
Note~ Many recipes call for glitter but this can harm birds or wildlife if ingested. For safety reasons I stick with the sugar crystals!!
The Magic Reindeer Food can either be sprinkled on your lawn Christmas Eve or can be bagged up and sat next to Santa’s Cookies!!  Below is a poem that can be printed and attached to baggies to hand out as a gift or can be said as you scatter the “Reindeer Food” in your yard!! Have fun and enjoy!! 🙂
Magic Reindeer Food Poem
Be sure to take this magic food and sprinkle on the lawn,
On Christmas, Santa’s reindeer travel miles before the dawn.
The smell of oats and glitter path will guide them on their way
And you’ll wake up to Santa’s gifts next morn on Christmas day!
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