I don’t know if you guys have noticed or not but my name is spelled a little different…..Bekki….yes that is my name on my birth certificate and everything. My Mother did that and I kind of like it 🙂 It’s fun to be different except….when your at Six Flags with all your friends from school and everyone is buying the cutest little pencils with their name on it, everyone that is but me. Well it obviously didn’t traumatize me to much because I named my daughter Charlee Ann and that is anything but normal. LOL 🙂
So I came across a rockin website that really got me excited! It’s called I See Me Inc and they make personalized children’s books. You can see a little about their mission below…
We offer personalized books and gifts for all celebrations from Birth
to 12 years old.   Our mission is to increase self esteem in children through personalized books that celebrates the uniqueness of each child. The goal of our books is to show each child how absolutely unique and special he or she is, to teach the child how to spell his or her name, and to build vocabulary skills.
So let me tell you a little about the book that I have. It’s called the “Very Happy Birthday” and it is absolutely adorable and it is full of animals. My daughter just turned 2 (that would be why I thought the book was a good idea) and she loves animals. Naming them, making the sounds and imitating them are some of her favorite activities. So the book was perfect for us. Now what I really like about this company is that when they say personalized they don’t just mean they slap the kids name on the front of the book, it is really personalized. I was able to use her name (even though it is spelled differently, and not only is her name on the front in the title but it is inside the book 9 or 10 times (this is great for her to learn her name recognition). There is even a little picture of an invitation that looks handwritten (actually the little birdie sent out theÂ
invitations 🙂 and it has Charlee’s name on it. It’s so cute!! Inside there is a special spot about who the book is from. Our’s says Love from Momma, Dadda and TaTa and the year. Which is what we chose for it to say. You can also decide if you would like a general set of birthday candles or if you want a specific number for your birthday on the front of the book. Charlee loved the book!! She wants it read every night before bed and actually it was through reading this book that my daughter said her first name for the first time. I almost fell out of the bed! LOL I know you guys know what I’m talking about, that moment when you here your little one say something for the very first time. Your heart just starts pitter pattering and you can feel the love and pride come rushing up…
So I was a little worried about this wonderful book. What I was worrying about was  that I want it to stay in good shape so she can keep it in her box of memories. The reason I was worried was I don’t keep books up on a shelf and only pull them down at special times. She has full control of her books at anytime she wants. I think books are to read and enjoy not cherish in an out of place location. Of course I teach her not to draw or color in them but they are hers to enjoy and learn from. Anyway back to what I was saying…..She has handled and read and handled and tossed and hugged and went to
bed with the book for almost 2 months and I have to say that there is not one rip, bump or tear in this book. It is a very durable/high quality board book that I have been very pleased with. I am sure this book is going to stand the test of time.
So now I am hooked and must have more books!! They have tons to chose from with plenty of options for boys or girls.They have tons of different books including Very Happy Birthday, My very Own Fairy Tale, My Very Own Pirate Tale, and many more. They have books about siblings, Holidays and they even have one for The Very Important Preschooler!! Not only do they have board books but they even have personalized place mats and coloring books.
So I have to say that I See Me is really one that you want to check out. Of course you can also find them on facebook, pinterest, twitter and instagram. I always like to stay connected on social networks, that way I don’t miss out on any new products!
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