Take10 Animal Count & Stack Safari Review

reviewI have to say that we are a little behind on introducing Charlee Ann to games. She is now two and a half and this is the first time we have introduced a “game” to her. I have been a little apprehensive as she is a more “on the go” kinda girl. To put it lightly it is really hard to get her to sit still so when I pulled out the Take10 Animal Count & Stack her first instinct was to yell at her big sister to catch them!

So since she wanted to play throw the animals we decided to just go with it! LOL So I pulled out a colander from the kitchen and said “Charlee Charlee see if you can get the blue one in there”. This started our first fun game with the set. She had a blast and by the time she got done she was calling out the color and tossing them into the colander. Then we decided to sit down for a bit and see if she could name the animals which I have to say she did pretty good at the naming game and within a few minutes she was ready to move on and do something else with them. So her big sis Alicia, her dad and myself all sat at the kitchen table and prepared to play our first game with her. She did pretty good and we were able to work on taking turns which she wasn’t really to crazy about but soon she was yelling for everyone and saying good job when their turn was complete.

There are plenty of games to play with the set. It comes with 2 different cubes, one has colors on it and the other has numbers. She did very well playing with both of them and had a great time playing with the game. What she really liked was that the youngest player gets to go first and she was first every time!! It’s a pretty cool game to start your young one out with and we had loads of fun. She enjoyed stacking and counting them, rolling the dice, picking her colors and she even started naming them. Of course they had very simple names like Lion. 😉

The Take10 Animal count and Stack Safari comes with 20 animals and two different cubes. The directions have three different games that you can play but we have actually come up with a few more including the ever popular toss them in the colander game. We had a great time and enjoyed the game. One complaint that I did have is one of the cubes has colors on them and you are supposed to pull out the animal that is the same color that you roll on the cube but we only had 2 red animals so we came up short a few times.

If you have never heard of Learning Resources you might want to check them out, they have tons of great educational toys. You can  follow them on facebooktwitteryoutube and Pinterest to  keep up to date on all sales and new products. I absolutely love this company and you can start having your own teachable/fun moments!!


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What Others Have Said:

  1. veronica shaner says

    I really like this, it would be ideal for my grandson!