I was recently approached by a company called Juil.com and asked if I would try out their shoes and let them know what I thought. So of course being the shoe lover that I am I told them absolutely, send them my way!! Now these are not ordinary shoes but they are shoes that are supposed to cleanse the body of stress and toxins! Too me that sounded like a fabulous idea but I was curious to figure out exactly what that meant.
So I headed over to their website to do a little research. The scientific part of the shoes just blew my mind. Some of what I read I already knew about. The fact that we come in contact with many toxins throughout the day like breathing polluted air even just walking around in all the pollution can be harmful. Your skin is the biggest organ of your body and anything that touches it is actually absorbed into it and can be quite unhealthy. It’s kind of scary if you think about it! Take bleach for example, would you drink it?? Of course not but I bet you don’t think twice about sticking your hands in a tub of bleach to clean our your refrigerator. I hope you are wearing gloves when you use it because not only are you sucking those harmful chemicals up your nose but they are also going to be absorbed by your skin. Doesn’t sound to pleasant does it? So unless you walk around with a very expensive mask on your face 24/7 you are going to be breathing in toxic fumes all day long. Stress is also unhealthy for us and we can find it at home, on the job, even trying to drive to work can cause a ton of stress!
What I learned from Juil is that all the stress and toxins can lead to a build up of free radicals that can attack healthy cells and cause inflammation in our body which is a great reason for many medical problems. Well the earth is one giant magnet and has an endless supply of electrons. Juil shoes have little copper “dots” in their sandals that help us stay grounded with the earth therefore the electrons are absorbed and work to neutralize and release the harmful free radicals in our body.
Now that I have explained the purpose of Juil shoes let me tall you a little about how they look, feel and their quality. A lot of times
when I am approached by a company they are brand new and trying to get their name out to the public. I have received some pretty crappy shoes in the past and I make it my personal goal to always tell my readers exactly what I think about a product no matter what! That is not the case with these shoes, Juil has been keeping costumers happy for a few years and as a matter of fact their first sale was on Earth day (April 24th 2011).
When they arrived they came in a pretty fancy box if you ask me, Complete with tissue paper in all the right places to keep the shoes
from getting torn up while they traveled through the mail. Also enclosed in the box was a sweet silky carrying bag for the shoes and they even placed a little notepad that works well on my desk. 🙂 Now let’s talk about the shoes! Oh my word…… I fell in love! The quality of the shoes is outstanding to say the least. Every single stitch is in place and the padding and support is everything I could have imagined. They offer the cutest sandales I have every seen but since we are heading into the winter months I picked the Holland Style in black and they look absolutely perfect with anything dressy or even a pair of blue jeans. They have a heal on them witch is something I do not wear to often because I am so clumsy but these shoes leave me feeling safe and secure and I have not stumbled even one time. The shoes actually are now my go to shoes for everyday, yet they are fancy enough to wear to church. Juil.com has received 2 thumbs up for quality, look, comfort and all around greatness from Sister’s Saving Cents!!
I have a little surprise for you!! They have so graciously offered one lucky Sister’s Saving Cents reader a FREE pair of shoes!! The contest is easy to enter!! CLICK HERE FOR THE CONTEST!! It is a very simple giveaway to enter. The only info the need is your name and email, your gender and they ask you to pick your favorite sandal. Please note by entering you email you will be signing up to be on their email list. Good luck to all of you because someone is going to win a fabulous new pair of shoes!!
Check out fabulous line of shoes, or you may want to follow their blog which has tons of healthy for you information. You can also follow them on facebook, twitter, pinterest, instagram or google+
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