These arrows from Cupid’s quiver may not have any supernatural effects, but that doesn’t make them any less fun to share.
What you’ll need
- pretzel sticks
- heart-shaped gumdrops
- toothpicks
- cellophane bags
- card stock
- stapler
How to make it
- For each arrow, insert the end of a thin pretzel stick into the top of a heart-shaped gumdrop.
Cut the top from a second heart gumdrop as shown here, make a hole with a toothpick, and insert the other end of the pretzel into the bottom of the gumdrop.
- Package the arrows in a small cellophane bag (found in the candy-making section of major craft stores) and fold over the top. Write your message on a folded card stock label, then staple the label over the top of the bag.Thanks Spoonful for the cute idea!
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