Welcome to the Rub a Dub Fun Tub Giveaway!!!

Baby Magic has teamed up with Ditta’s Gifts and Savings! to bring you this awesome Rub A Dub Fun Tub Giveaway!

Baby Magic

Baby Magic Rub A Dub Fun Tub comes in a cute little bath tub with the following:

Baby Magic Lavender and Chamomile Calming Baby Wash is by far my favorite! This is my after work shower time favorite! It make me feel clean and refreshed after a hard dirty work day! I love the calming scent that it gives off! For our little ones, it gives our littlest one the calming bed time effect and helps her go to sleep a little bit better!

Baby Magic Original Scent Baby Lotion is the best! We all know that winter does a number on everyone’s skin We have definitely have had a hard weird cold winter here. Shaun whom is 17 loves the original Sent baby lotion! There are not a ton of lotions that teenage boys will put on that mommy likes! So this one is great! The scent isn’t girly so it is something he uses on a daily basis to help control dry skin and it absolutely works for him! Thank you Baby Magic!

Baby Magic Soft Powder Scent Hair and Body Wash is too cool for Jahmier! He is 8 and think it is totally cool to be able to wash his hair (without his eyes burning) in the shower while singing Journey, and also able to wash his body with the same product! He has more time to sing and use ALL of the hot water with a 2 in 1! LOL

It also came with a Yellow duck loofa, and a 1 year subscription to Parenting Magazine!

Rub A Dub Fun Tub gets 2 thumbs up from our family! I hope you feel the same way! You can see all of Baby Magic Bath Products HERE, You can Fan Baby Magic on Facebook HERE, and also follow Baby Magic on Twitter HERE!

So who is ready to win this cutest Rub A Dub Fun Tub???

A few rules apply!

Must be 18+ to enter, reside in the USA, and complete ALL mandatory entries!

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What Others Have Said:

  1. Yes, I have used them…love them!

  2. I used Baby Magic products when my children were babies and my son uses them now for his own children. I was very pleased with the scent and how it kept their skin baby soft.

  3. Doreen Zmijski says

    love the products. use it on our whole family. this is awesome for sensative skin


  5. I have used them with my 3 kids and plan to use them with my 4th!

  6. Yes, for my kids and grandkids.

  7. i used them when my daughter was born loved them!

  8. casey everidge says

    im pregnant with my first baby. so i havent tried them yet, but i would love to!

  9. I have yet to try them

  10. Yes, I love them. Not greasy and the smell is amazing!

  11. Darlene Ysaguirre says

    Ive used these products with my 3 children i love how they smell

  12. Yes! And we love them!

  13. Jessica Edwards says

    yes i have used several and I loooove them, especially the lavender lotion, it seems to just calm everyone around it down.

  14. Yes….I love them. They’re great for sensitive skin.

  15. yes all on them especially loved the shampoo

  16. Kacee Hoffman-Nunez says

    Absolutely and we love them.

  17. Ursula Thomas says

    Yes, and love them all! Baby Magic lotion is by far the best! ๐Ÿ™‚

  18. Cheryl Rahkonen says

    Yes, I always used Baby Magic products for my children. Now I have grandchildren and I encouage their mothers to use Baby Magic products.

  19. Jennifer Nielsen says

    I use them all the time. My first child was raised on them, and the second one will be too!

  20. Sara DiPerri says

    I have never used them! Usually store brand.

  21. Yes, I have used Baby Magic for my children and I liked the products.

  22. Amanda Lyn says

    Yes I have used them and I loved them

  23. Linda Levine says

    not for many years

  24. I love there products i have used them an stand by them thanks for this awesome giveaway

  25. Sandra Blanton says

    Haven’t tried them, heard of them..

  26. I just bought it last month for my niece! She loves it
    Thanks for the giveaway

  27. I haven’t used them in a long time. I remember loving the lotion but I haven’t tried the baby wash.

  28. Yes we have and we love them!!

  29. Great!

  30. william saylor says

    I used it when my daughter was a baby and I love the scent.

  31. Lotion and baby wash ๐Ÿ™‚

  32. Lori davis says

    Used Baby Magic products on both of my daughters, Now using it with my grandson!

  33. Wanda Ragan says

    Of course I used them on my own children and continue to use them on my grandchildren.

  34. I use alot of Baby magic products on my daughter I love them all for the scents they have it is to hard to just pick one I have told my family and friends to use them also

  35. Baby Magic was the only product I used on my son<3 luved it