Smart Snacks Shape Sorting Cupcakes by @LearningHandsOn ! A Super Sweet way to Learn our Shapes!

IMG_3837 Have you ever walked into a toy store and felt that excitement like you did when you were a child?? Everything is so bright and new and none of the pieces are missing and you just feel soooo excited to be there!! Well that is how I felt when I saw the Smart Snacks Shape Sorting Cupcakes from Learning resources!! They are the sweetest looking toys I have ever seen and they are helping my young one learn her shapes!! Say what???? Yup you heard me!! They are cute, fun and kids are learning while they play! It’s the best of both worlds!!

When I first brought out the Smart Snacks Shape Sorting Cupcakes my daughter squealed and said “Eat!! Eat!!”. So I had to take a few minutes and tell her these are toys for playing! So we started out slow with some pretend play the first time because she is young and I didn’t want to overwhelm her. She loved bringing each and everyone of us a treat to “eat”. She took them over to her IMG_3845 “oven” and baked them for us for all of about a half of a second and yelled “ahhdahhh!” Which is her version of All Done 🙂 and started passing them out to everyone. She had the brightest smile on her face and looked so proud of herself! I love when she gets that proud look on her face, kids should be able to feel proud sometimes.

I had plans of showing her just how fascinating these little cupcakes could be when you took them apart and teaching her the shapes and colors and working on her fine motor skills while we fit each little cupcake back together. I couldn’t wait!! Well the joke sure was on me this time! I sat her down and brought out the sweet little cupcakes and got myself all prepared for this huge “teachable moment” when all of a sudden she picked up one of the cupcakes and squealed “Look!! Star!!” So I got this really confused look on my face and said “let Mommy see” and what do ya know…. she had the star cupcake in her hand. Then I heard a giggle to my left and there stood my oldest daughter in the hallway giggling. I asked her how in the world did her sister know there was IMG_3852 a star under that cupcake and she grinned at me and said “Mom I hate to tell you this but she likes it way better when I teach her things.” We all got a real big laugh out of it! 🙂

There are plenty of things you can learn with the shape sorting cupcakes other than just learning your shapes. Of course pretend play is a great tool that teaches all kinds of things and then you can ask your child what color the star is or maybe ask them to find you the blue cupcake. Tons of ways to learn and tons of fun and at a pretty affordable price!! You can grab one from amazon for $15.65 by clicking here! 

If you would like to order your own Shape Sorting Cupcakes   click here. Make sure to check out Learning Resources on facebooktwitteryoutube and Pinterest to  keep up to date on all sales and new products. I absolutely love this company and you can start having your own teachable/fun moments!!

I have saved the best part for last!!! Learning Resources is giving one lucky Sister’s Saving Cents fan a Smart Snacks Shape Sorting Cupcakes!!!

Enter on the rafflecopter below!! Good Luck!! US only must be 18 or older please!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



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What Others Have Said:

  1. So cute, thanks my granddaughter will love it

  2. melinda fritz says

    jumbo magnifyers with the stand

  3. Rebekka S. says

    wow their toys are amazing, it’s hard to choose a favorite, but I really like the Sprouts Fresh Fruits and Veggie tote.

  4. I would let my niece choose, she loves food toys

  5. Jaimie Adams says

    There are so many cute things but I really like the Farmer’s Market Color Sorting Set. Thanks!

  6. I really like the learning gears!

  7. we have a little boy turning one may 17 he would this he a so cute and family loves him but he does need toy his daddy works very hard but he needs toys to play with i hope i could win this for him

  8. Wanda Ragan says

    I think my grandkids would love the the color matching set.

  9. My granddaughter would love the foodies.

  10. Honestly, I love all their products equally. But I have had my eye on the Counting Cookies Board Game for my little one!

  11. Pretend & Play® Doctor Set

  12. Courtney Renee says

    New Sprouts™ Dinner Basket my daughter would love that!

  13. valisa rasmussen says

    unbelievable cute~ I love toys that have multiple uses like this 🙂

  14. mary bubel smith says

    my 3 yr old granson would go crazy choosing just one

  15. anne conover says

    I love the wooden puzzles. I have an in-home daycare and a little boy who would love these!

  16. I know its not exciting but my daughter needs any of the math items for 1st grade.

  17. Meghan Finley says

    I love the Splash of Color Magnetic Sorting Set

  18. So cute

  19. jeanette sheets says
  20. Markie Lamb says

    I like the pretend and play school! 🙂

  21. Jennifer L says

    Gator grabber tweezers!

  22. Diane Simmons says

    Sensory tubes

  23. Masooma says

    Love the New Sprouts Ring it Up Cash Register!

  24. Mayla M says

    I also like the Mental Blox Game.

  25. Denise Clark says

    Wow, it is hard to choose, but the Smart Snack Alpha Pops look really interesting. Thanks for the opportunity!

  26. SJ Roragen says

    I would love Primary Science Mix & Measure Set for my little great-g/daughter.

  27. jodie risner says
  28. The Farmer’s Marke Color Sorting Set! Thanks!
    Ross Olson

  29. so neat thanks for a chance