Loaded Coupon Binder Giveaway!!


We decided to shake it up a bit this week with a Friday Night Flash Fun Giveaway!

I’ve joined some super awesome bloggers and hosts

My Crafty Life and Full Price? Never! to bring this cool flash giveaways to you!

We are giving away a super cool prize to help you save money and start the school year ahead….

A Loaded Coupon Binder!


What you get:


*printables to organize your binder

*page protectors for coupons & printables

*current coupon inserts {8/29}!

Entering is simple on the Rafflecopter form below.This giveaway starts at 12:01am est on the 25th and ends at 11:59pm est on August 28th 2012!


a Rafflecopter giveaway



The participating bloggers were not compensated for this post. We are not associated with Case-It or Jessica Weible . No purchase is necessary to enter. Void where prohibited by law. The odds of winning are based on the number of entries received.** This promotion is no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook.** To qualify to win, you must fill out the Entry. Winners will be chosen within 7 business days and be notified by email and will have 48 hours to respond. This giveaway is compliant with Facebook Rules! Must be aged 18+ to enter and win. Prize can only be mailed within the Continental US.



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What Others Have Said:

  1. Jennifer Boehme says

    I got my coat last year for $14.95 and it was regular $69.99. I was so happy. I have learned to use the internet to find the deals before going out to make a purchase, I could find it cheaper somewhere else.

  2. Anita Leibert says

    The best deal was at Walgreens. I walked away with close to $100.00 worth of items and paid less than $10.00 by using coupons 🙂 I love that store!!

  3. Sara Wicks says

    whenever I do coupon shopping at safeway & use doublers, whe nI dp use coupons at safeway my bill is rarely over $5.00

  4. Rachel Robertson (Azrael) says

    I went to Rite Aid and got about $80 worth of products for about $6 using coupons and UP Rewards 🙂 What I bought was actually items we needed too like toothpaste and coffee and razors 🙂

  5. I coupon so any time I can get an item close to free its my favorite!

  6. Betsy Rubendall Barnes says

    The best deal I got was I saved 52% off my grocery bill using coupons! I did this 2 months after I started couponing and it was my biggest savings to date 🙂

  7. Darn, I can’t really remember what the BEST deal I got was, but I did get a great deal on cat food the other day. I only paid about 1/4 of the original price. Did the same with kitty litter today – $1.70 for a huge bag that was on clearance. Saved a total of 41.00 today at the grocery.

  8. 4 bucks for 30 dollar bag at target

  9. Anna Lyman says

    I bought a 125dollar wool coat for $6 dollars at theend of the winter season one year.

  10. Barbara Mayes says

    When I used my free coupons for Bounty, I walked out with 4 huge packs of Bounty and only paid tax on them!

  11. Barbara Mayes says

    You will NEVER see anyone enter for this that needs it more than I do! I’ve got my coupons on the dining room table in a cardboard box. I really need to get organized so I can use my coupons!

  12. Stephanie Hackett says

    This year I hit clearance with coupons and got half of my kids’ school clothes for FREE!!!!!!!

  13. Andrea Reaves says

    I got a 90 dollar toy for free after clearance and coupons.

  14. Laura Jacobsen says

    Any time I have gotten stuff for free!

  15. I would so LOVE to win this. 😀

  16. jen durant says

    i love getting stuff free 🙂 I think one of my best/fav deals was when purex was bogo at wags and i have bogo coupons 🙂 i got like 78 bottles FREE … it was awesome lol… and i’m still using that stuff, love not having to buy more detergent for ages 🙂

  17. Mine best deal…. I’d say $150 in groceries for $8 and some change!!! 🙂 That’s a happy day!!!

  18. Tammy McGruder says

    I just started getting more into coupons to save money and haven’t got any really amazing deals yet…but I hope 2:)

  19. A pair of jeans from Old Navy for 4.80:)

  20. adrienne warren says

    best deal I ever got in a store was a car for a dollar. I happened in right after store owner had major divorce fight with his soon to be x. He tossed me the car keys and the title for a dollar just to annoy his x. It wasn’t a great car but it lasted longer then the shop owners marriage.