GIVEAWAY: Who Wants to Win a Keurig???

Couponin’ Momma of TX and Save More Spend Less with Heidi along with several other bloggers are giving away a Keurig B40 Elite Brewing System!!

Ten thousand fans, where has the time went? I appreciate each and everyone of you being on this page and being a part of my journey as a blogger. A year ago I lost my job due to budget cuts and had to have a way to help support my family. I turned to coupons to cut my grocery bill by 75% as well as other household items. I stocked up so I knew we would make it, then out of boredom I started my blog page and it has now grown to 10,000 Facebook fans. I am truly humbled that you all enjoy my page and keep coming back for more. Without you the page would be pretty boring so its time to celebrate.I am so thankful for each and everyone of you that have been a part of this journey.

Save More Spend Less with Heidi and Couponin Momma of Texas are co-hosting this great Keurig giveaway in celebration of reaching 10K fans on Save More Spend Less with Heidi. This giveaway is not affiliated with Keurig in anyway, we are purchasing the Keurig ourselves to send to one lucky reader.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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What Others Have Said:

  1. I just had to share and beg you guys to stop putting all the likes/follows into one rafflecopter entry. I lost TONS of entries because I have reached my follow limits on Facebook and Twitter so I could not like/follow only a few people but got zero entries even though I had liked/followed most! A total of 50 points that I could have gotten probably 40 of if they had each been their own entry rather than all lumped together and I know I can’t be
    the only person to have this issue. I am seeing this more and more on rafflecopter forms and it just sucks. I appreciate all the hard work and time that goes into these giveaways on the blogs and thank everyone. I am NOT being unappreciative here. I just feel like I am being punished for things beyond my control. Thanks for listening!