Giveaway: Who Wants To Win $25 Paypal Cash???

I am very excited to announce a brand new giveaway at Sister’s Saving Cents!! We are giving away a whopping $25 PayPal Cash to one of our lucky fans!! Now remember only the first entry isΒ mandatory, the rest are up to you but they will give you more entries and the more entries you have the better chance you have at winning!! Good luck all and thanks for being such great fans!! πŸ™‚


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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What Others Have Said:

  1. brittany m doerfler says

    i would buy diapers

  2. I would buy a good book

  3. swaddle blankets for my babe! πŸ™‚

  4. buy toiletries

  5. put it towards christmas presents. i wanna spoil my daughter this year

  6. Kelley Haynes says

    I would this definitely help with all the back to school supplies!

  7. Ambrielle Bender says

    Save it until I have enough to buy the sewing machine I want :/! Lol

  8. Stacey Miller says

    Spend it on some cute outfits for my newly adopted 6 week old nephew, Andrew!! I can do a lot with $25! Thank you – Stacey (MommyTo Davis) on Facebook

  9. Marti Parks says

    I would use it for groceries. πŸ™‚

  10. molly turner says

    I would get started on my sons birthay presents

  11. Melinda Morse says

    spend it on craft stuff

  12. tammy dodson says

    Something for my daughter birthday coming up.

  13. I would spend it on my brand new Grand Daughter!!! thank you

  14. Kimberly McCullers says

    I am saving up for Christmas shopping!

  15. I’ll buy 2 domain names, for my future plans…

  16. Brenda Jarrard says

    I would save it for “Black Friday”!! Thanks for the chance

  17. Chelsea Spurgeon says

    I would use it to buy groceries for my apartment at school πŸ™‚

  18. mary mcmenamy says

    i would buy food

  19. I’d use it towards Christmas gifts!

  20. put it toward xmas gifts!

  21. Buy groceries.

  22. There’s a couple of things on Ebay that I would like to have this would enable me to be able to buy them.

  23. I would buy a good cookbook

  24. Michele Henneman says

    I am saving for Christmas.

  25. I would put it towards my daughters upcoming birthday.

  26. beth hoppe says

    save for christmas or birthdays

  27. Keisa Rogers says

    I would buy my daughter something for her birthday!

  28. I would use this to buy school supplies!

  29. I will be buying myself a video game for my birthday in September!

  30. I would probally use it for clothes/Christmas shopping

  31. would use it to help with the upcoming holidays

  32. I’d use it to buy gas.

  33. I’d use it for holiday shopping.

  34. Amanda Sakovitz says

    I would use this to buy silverware for my new apartment.

  35. I would spend it on groceries

  36. Stefanie McMullen says

    I would use it to buy some books for my brand new Kindle that I got for my birthday πŸ˜€

  37. Les Johnson says

    I would probably spend it on craft items πŸ™‚

  38. Alexia Miller says

    buy a new top for back to school

  39. Birthday gift for my son

  40. Julie O'Brien says

    i would put it towards my daughter’s third birthday party

  41. Holly Thomas says

    Buy Gas !! πŸ™

  42. This Paypal money would pay for over half of my printer ink!

  43. Sara Campbell says

    I would buy some fall/winter clothing for my boys.

  44. Sara Wicks says

    I would use it for myself to buy coffee on the rd when taking my son to his childrens hospital 4 hours away

  45. Andrea Julian says

    I would use it towards grocery money!

  46. Ted Kooper says

    i would pay bills

  47. Amanda Travis says

    I would use it towards home school materials.

  48. I would put it toward a zoo membership.

  49. Buy groceries.

  50. get my cats some flea protection

  51. Jennifer Boehme says

    Pay on my water bill, every little bit helps.

  52. Jenny Stanek says

    I’d buy clothes for my kids!

  53. Mike W Davis says

    we need to finish school supplies

  54. Anita Jones says

    i’d buy groceries

  55. Wendy Saylor says

    I hope I win, if I do, I’m buying a bread machine to save money by making bread instead of buying it.

  56. Denise Vandenbusch Bohman says

    Clothes for the kids for the new school year.


    pay a bill

  58. Love giveaways – thank you! πŸ™‚

  59. I would spend it on my grandkids…love them..:)

  60. I’d use it for Christmas presents:)

  61. I would by school supplies

  62. I would use it for Christmas.

  63. It would help with student loans!

  64. Ellen Levickis says

    buy groceries and socks

  65. tim kelley says

    save it for xmas

  66. connie sease says

    I would buy somthing for my husbands birthday on the 29th of this month.

  67. Rachel Robertson (Azrael) says

    I would put it into my Kindle Fire fund πŸ™‚

  68. There are a couple cute things on etsy I would get for my daughter.

  69. stacy norris says

    Help my son with college fee…

  70. Jaime Porkarski says

    I would buy groceries or save it for Christmas.

  71. Anita Leibert says

    I would save it!

  72. Jessilyn Lucas says

    If I win, I will be using the money for christmas!

  73. Casey Everidge says

    i would buy clothes!

  74. beth kelsay says

    I would use it to help with my medicine

  75. Latisha Johnson says

    I’m unemployed so every little bit helps!

  76. brandy johnson-gable says

    i would use it to shop for christmas items on ebay for my 10yr old son.

  77. Jeana O'donnell-Murphy says

    I would spend it on groceries

  78. Nena Sinclair says

    I would put it toward back to school supplies

  79. Erika Silverthorn Nichols says

    Put it towards Christmas for my three boys.

  80. chantal ronchetto says

    birthday present for my daughter

  81. something for my kids.

  82. David Clausi says

    I would buy a gift, gas, or food!

  83. I fi spent it on myself I would buy myself something I cant afford to buy regularly, like a new bra. Or buy my son what ever he wants at the toy store. Or get a new gardening book or something to go in the garden.

  84. Take my monsters out for a surprise treat! Thanks!!! πŸ™‚

  85. put it towards a fund for a sewing machine. thanks

  86. Kathy Ross says

    I’d use it for gas.

  87. Christine Beasley says

    put it towards treating my husband on our anniverssary

  88. Michele L. says

    I’d use it for Christmas gifts

  89. I would use it towards textbooks.

  90. Jennifer Hedden says

    I would put it toward groceries.

  91. Cathy Naughton says


  92. Buy my husband a steak dinner. He has been working so hard for the kids and me….he deserves it! πŸ™‚

  93. I would use it to purchase my sister a birthday gift.

  94. jennifer wexler says

    i would buy some new makeup

  95. Betsy Rubendall Barnes says

    If I won, I would save it towards Christmas πŸ™‚

  96. I would pay the bills

  97. Anmol agarwal says

    i would use $25 to buy computer books online.

  98. april yedinak says

    art supplies for the kids

  99. Id buy some autumn accessories

  100. Shal Johns says

    I would buy Christmas presents.