FREE Placemat from InkGarden

I just finished ordering my FREE Placemat from Ink Garden! I love this place. I can’t even begin to tell you how many FREE items I have received from them. Just head on over by clicking here and start making your  own. Alicia is going to be so excited to see her’s when it comes in the mail. These are laminated so you can use them over and over.  You will need to pay $3.99 for shipping on the placemat. You can customize it however you choose and they have so many to choose from. Have fun designing it. 🙂 When you finish make sure you use code PLACEFREE!



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What Others Have Said:

  1. Is this a scam or a joke? The only link it sends me is to stuff that says I win. There is no placemats or ink garden stuff at all….