****FREE 4 Slice Toaster from Totsy**** New members with referral credit


Totsy is having an awesome deal today on a Whimsical Pudding 4 Slice Toaster!! Head on over to Totsy, you will need to click on the invite friends, get $15 credit in the upper right hand corner (I ordered a stapler under my hubbies name so I could score the referral credit shhhhh don’t tell 😉 ). After your $15 refer a friend credit you can score it FREE!!!

Click here to check it out! Hurry I’m sure they will run out quick! 


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What Others Have Said:

  1. I tryed to do this referd my hubby had him buy a spatula but didnt recive my referal credit..his sale is “pending”? so how long does it take for me to get the credit then??