****Flash Giveaway***Who wants to win a $10 Target Card!!!

It’s Monday yeah!!! Tonights Flash giveaway tonight is for a $10 Target gift card! This giveaway is open to all US residents and will go live at 9pm EST and run till 12 am! All winners will be verified and if you don’t do everything required I will be forced to choose a new winner. Winner has 24 hours to claim your prize by e-mail by e-mailing oolalasavings@gmail.com. If the winner doesn’t respond within 24 hours a new winner will be chosen. Good Luck and thanks again for likeing Oo La La Savings. Keep saving, having fun and living the “high life”! Enter for a chance to win below through the rafflecopter!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


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What Others Have Said:

  1. barbara tryon says

    Thank you for this giveaway, facebook and twitter wont allow me to like more pages

  2. Oh Thank You for offering up this giveaway! I LOVE Target! One of my favorite places to shop. 🙂

  3. thank you for the chance at winning 🙂

  4. Thanks!

  5. Brandy Lockley says

    Thank you for the chance :0)

  6. Calshondra Williams says

    Thanks for the giveaway and opportunity to win. I just Love Target!!!

  7. Antonia reierson says

    Thank u for this giveaway I hope I will win I really can use it I have a 2 yr old please

  8. Thanks for the giveaway