***FLASH GIVEAWAY***** Win $20 PayPal Cash!!

Here we go!!!

$20.00 3 hour Flash!!

Being brought your way by

Sister’s Saving Cents, Ditta’s Gifts and Savings! and

Mom of One and HavingFun.

Rules are as follows!

Must be 18+ to enter

This giveaway is open WW

You must respond within 24 hours of being notified!

**If you do not respond in 24 hours another

person WILL be



Please enter the Rafflecopter below and hey!! Good luck!!

Thank you so very much we all appreciate you being here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
ย  Paypal is not responsible for the sending of this prize!! This is totally our responsibility!!


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What Others Have Said:

  1. saving for some boots!

  2. SAMERA HAZEN says


  3. Linda Childers says

    saving for christmas

  4. Buy something for my hubby whos deployed!!

  5. Becky Benton says

    I NEED this for Christmas

  6. Crystal Kelley says

    save it for xmas shopping

  7. Timothy Ke says

    put it towards something i want off ebay

  8. Sherry Fowler says


  9. If I won the money I would use it for Christmas!!!

  10. Heather Reid says

    Out of work right now, so add it to bill $$$;)

  11. Mary Fagans says

    Christmas fund

  12. Anmol agarwal says

    would buy gifts

  13. Tonya R-Mc says

    save for a special X-mas gift for my 2 yr old

  14. Save for Christmas or for two December birthdays ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. Jeana O'donnell-Murphy says

    Pay my high balance forward electric bill

  16. get some gas

  17. Elisabeth Wellington says

    use it to buy some clothes for work

  18. Jessilyn Lucas says

    use it for christmas gifts!

  19. Kerstin Cogan says

    Christmas presents for the kids.

  20. Use it for Christmas presents!

  21. alicia zirjacks says

    Put it towards winter coats for the kids

  22. tammy dodson says

    I could use it for christmas

  23. Jonevir Montealto says

    saving for my books

  24. hiedi brodwater says

    Saving for xmas

  25. Priscila N. says

    Saving for baby’s first Christmas and birthday which are very close together ๐Ÿ™‚