***FLASH GIVEAWAY****** Who Wants to win a Slice Safety Cutter~~ Check it out! It’s Pretty Cool!

Slice Safety Cutter 
Flash Giveaway

You can also read BB Product Reviews review of it today!

This is a great product for cutting coupons, art projects, invitations, and more!

All Entries are verified!!

Winner will have 48 hours to respond to winning email or another winner will be selected! 

Open to US ONLY 


 a Rafflecopter giveaway


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What Others Have Said:

  1. Mary Beth Elderton says

    I see my big TV first thing when I walk into my room 🙂

  2. The movie Thor playing on our living room television

  3. tv and the dining room table

  4. Maria Steckman says

    My air conditioner.

  5. Teresa vincent says

    my bed and tv

  6. Karen Morris says

    I see my computer desk and all of my coupons!

  7. My computer is the first thing I see in my room!

  8. jennifer wexler says

    i see the tv

  9. Dresser

  10. My bed

  11. brenda wahl says


  12. a pile of laundry to fold

  13. My TV

  14. Edith M Augur says

    IThe first thing I see in the room I’m in is my Wonderful Husband!! 🙂

  15. Nicole Herman says


  16. Molly Turner says

    My bed

  17. Leona Evans says

    A very nice armoire that my grandfather built. We use it for my toddler son’s clothes.

  18. Brigette Streeper says

    The Olympics on my tv. Go Olympics!

  19. Martha Balderson says

    First thing I see is the tv.

  20. The television 🙂

  21. my dogs who beat me to bed everyntie

  22. Betty Barnhart Lockhart says

    my tv

  23. tv