Palmolive Fresh Sponge dishwashing liquid Sample I received via @influenster

Wow I received my Palmolive Fresh Sponge dishwashing liquid sample and it’s a 25 oz!! That’s a full size bottle! 🙂 I received this complimentary sample via to sample as a mom influenster. I love this company. They allow me to try new products and in return I give my honest opinion. I have just received the product so once I try it I will be sure and let you guys know what I think!  They have given me 5 coupons to share with you so please enter the rafflecoptor below and try to win Palmolive coupons! You guys deserve it! Thanks for being such faithful readers! Enjoy! 🙂


Please note I was  given this product complimentary for testing purposes from Colgate-Palmolive via Influenster.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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What Others Have Said:

  1. Palmolive is what I grew up on! My father has very sensitive dry skin and Palmolive is the only dishwashing liquid that didn’t irritate his skin. Love it!

  2. lacey demaire says

    No I have never tried palmolive before but love to try new things.

  3. Jeana O'donnell-Murphy says

    Yes I’ve tried Palmolive and love it

  4. I love Palmolive.

  5. Misty rummell says

    Yes I tried Palmolive and it is wonderful I love how it makes your hands soft

  6. Christine says

    Yes I’ve tried Palmolive before!

  7. Rosa Espinal says

    Sure I have and I love it,although I must confess,I do tend to buy whatever good brand is on sale

  8. Nicole P. says

    I have tried palmolive and I think it works well on grease.

  9. I love palmolive!

  10. jennifer rotch says

    I have tried palmolive before and use it regularly

  11. Never tried but would like to

  12. never tried but would like too

  13. Holly Thomas says

    That is the only dish soap i use!!