Your Kids Will Enjoy Making You Dinner With the New Sprouts Dinner Basket from @LearningHandsOn

IMG_2925 Do your kids like pretend play? Well we have been having a ball playing around with the New Sprouts Dinner Basket from Learning resources!! I have seen so many food set’s that are just pure junk! You know the kind that you find at the Dollar Store (no offense but it is the truth). They are full of  junk plastic or cardboard and end up in the trash after a few days.

The New Sprouts Dinner Basket is far from “junky” as a matter of fact it is downright great quality. We have been playing and playing with it for well over a month and there is no sign of where and tear showing anywhere. My daughter just loves taking the basket and going to the “store” and heading over to her kitchen to make Mommy a healthy nutritious dinner. We love making good food choices at our house and this set helps my daughter out with picking out good choices while we are playing. Children learn what they see everyday and we are all about offering her food that is good for her. She just loves making her mommy a salad and bringing her a glass of milk.  IMG_2928

The New Sprouts™ Dinner Basket comes with 18 bright, sturdy pieces of food that includes a glass of milk, steak, grilled chicken breast, asparagus bundle, baked potato, broccoli, corn, empty bowl, 3 lettuce leaves, 2 tomato slices, 2 cucumber slices, pineapple ring and ice cream sandwich.  The basket which comes with the set offers a great way to store your set and is a great piece for your child to use while “shopping”.

We have had a great time playing with the New Sprouts Dinner Basket from Learning Resources.

If you would like to order your own New Sprouts Dinner Basket  click here. Make sure to check out Learning Resources on facebooktwitteryoutube and Pinterest to  keep up to date on all sales and new products. I absolutely love this company and you can start having your own teachable/fun moments!!

I have saved the best part for last!!! Learning Resources is giving one lucky Sister’s Saving Cents fan a New Sprouts™ Dinner Basket!!! Enter on the rafflecopter below!! Good Luck!!

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What Others Have Said:

  1. Heather Pfingsten says

    I love EVERYTHING includjng the Teaching Cash Register!

  2. This would be great for my youngest granddaughter

  3. Wanda Ragan says

    I love the cure it doctor set.

  4. My son would love the hide and go moo playset!

  5. Audrey Griffis says

    ABC & 123 Electronic Flash Card looks great

  6. Well, there are so many to choose from; however I will narrow it down to the dinner basket, breakfast basket, and the fruit and veggie tote. My daughter will receive a kitchen set for her birthday in June and we are trying to find healthy things for her to play with rather than the cakes, ice cream, lunch meat stuff which is more commonly found. Thank you for the offer.

  7. Jennifer Bowyer says

    Love the fix it tool set and the smart splash color penguins.

  8. The fix it tool set would be a hit in our house!

  9. I love ll of their products!! But my nieces would love the food set!

  10. I like the Rainbow Peg Play Activity Set. My toddler will love it.

  11. Tiffany Drew says

    I’d love to play the Snap it Up! game with my son 🙂

  12. I LOVE Hide-n-Go Moo!

  13. Lori Williams says

    Love bushel of veggies!

  14. I love the learning gears!

  15. thanks! I love the pretend play

  16. Multiplication electronic flash card 3rd grade

  17. sarah hallock says

    15 now !!! i wanna win my kids would love this

  18. Kelley Saulsgiver says

    My kids in my daycare would sure love this… 🙂

  19. Denise Donaldson says

    Gears! Gears! Gears!® Super Set

  20. i love the Sprouts Deluxe Market Set. My little God Child is crazy about Sprouts!

  21. I like the jumbo endangered animals 🙂

  22. I like the Real World Folding Geometric Shapes™

  23. Debra Sauvageau says

    oh I love the New Sprouts™ Deluxe Market Set..what a great way to teach them the love off veggies

  24. Emilee Dobbs says

    I love the sprouts dr set it is very cute

  25. Jennifer L says

    Dinner Basket!

  26. Jenniffer Griffin says

    Pretend and play school set.

  27. I like the New Sprouts™ Cook it! – My very own chef set 🙂

  28. I like the Pretend & Play Healthy Lunch Set

  29. Farmer’s Market Color Sorting Set

    shrish231 (at) gmail (dot) com

  30. New Sprouts™ Ring It Up Cash Register – My very own cash register

  31. Laura Jacobson says

    Oh Carter would also love the Smart Snacks® Shape Sorting Cupcakes!

  32. jessica preston says

    the ring it up cash register

  33. everything but the teaching cash register is really cute..

  34. Brooke Adametz says

    I like the pretend and play school with the US map!

  35. Tiffany G says

    My daughter loves playing store and McDonalds….So she would just love the ring it up cash register!!

  36. nicole barr says

    wow they have alot of amazing stuff I think my daugher would enjoy the primary science sensory tubes

  37. I love all the “fake” food!

  38. I love all of Learning Resources products, but would love to get the Math Marks The Spot game for the kids.

  39. Carrie Davis says

    The doctor set!!

  40. ashley guitron says

    I love the ring it up cash register

  41. Tiffany W says

    the cash register