Enter to Win a $5,000 ebay Shopping Spree + They are Giving away a $100 Gift Card Daily!! Easy Entry!!

ebay daily deals slam dunk Calling all Ebay Shoppers!! You don’t want to miss out on winning a $5,000 Ebay Shopping Spree plus a daily chance of a $100 ebay Gift Card!! Follow the directions below to enter and good luck!! 🙂

  1. First you must be a member of Ebay Deals so click here and enter your email (don’t worry there is no charge and your committing to nothing!!
  2. Next look down the right hand side of the page, if you don’t see it there just scroll all the way to the bottom and look for the picture that you see below. When you find the pic just click it!!


slam dunk


Contest Ends March 31st!! Click here to enter and good luck to all of you!!


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What Others Have Said:

  1. I do not see a pic. at all. I entered ebay deals. Your instructions state to scroll down to the right hand side of the page or the bottom of the page to find the pic. What is the pic. of?
    Dr. McKinnon

  2. Shannon L. Barlow says

    If we’re already a Ebay member, are we already entered?? What picture are you talking about?? The only things I see to click on for the giveaway just takes me to a register page but nowhere to log in if you’re already a member. I always enter Ebay giveaways. I don’t understand how to enter this one. HELP!!!!!!!!!