DIY Cocoa Vanilla Mint Body Butter

diy cocoa mint body butterThis body butter is not only nourishing to the skin but it rivals anything you might find in any “body care” store. The best part is that it is completely natural, non toxic, and smells so amazing.

Cocoa Vanilla Mint Body Butter


  • 1 C Cocoa Butter (unrefined)
  • 1/2 C Coconut Oil
  • 1/2 C Jojoba (for drier skin) or Olive oil (normal/oily skin)
  • Peppermint Essential Oil
  • Vanilla Absolute


  • Glass measuring cup with at least 3 cups of room (I prefer pyrex) or a 1 Quart glass mason jar.
  • Sauce pan or pot to fill with water
  • A good hand or stand mixer


  1. Place cocoa butter, coconut oil, and jojoba or olive oil into your glass measuring cup or mason jar.
  2. Fill your pot half way with water, making sure you can place your glass container in the pot without water getting into it, and without overflowing the pot.
  3. Heat the pot with water on medium/low allowing the water to slowly warm and melt the oils together.
  4. Remove from the heat as soon as it is finished melting and place the mixture in the mixing bowl.
  5. Place the bowl in the freezer, refrigerator, or in the cold night air and let the oils cool enough so that the sides and top of the bowl start to harden, but it does not harden throughout. This can take some time depending what your mixing bowl is made of (metal cools faster than glass or ceramic) and how cold you are making it.
  6. Once the oils start to form that crust, scrape all of the soon to be butter off of the sides, add 15 drops of peppermint essential oil and 10 drops of vanilla absolute, then place the bowl in the mixer.
  7. Use the highest setting or the “whip” setting on the mixer and mix until the butter starts to form soft peaks. Be sure to scrape the sides constantly when you are mixing to make sure the butter is an even consistency throughout. Mixing will take 10-15 minutes, depending on how cool the oils got before you started whipping. If it takes longer than 15 minutes take a break and let it cool down some more before trying again.
  8. Once the butter is the correct consistency spoon it into sterilized jars to use as you like.
  9. The butter will firm up a bit more when it gets cooler, but softens up wonderfully when you put it on the skin.

This makes the perfect gift to give to friends for holidays, birthdays, or just because. The cocoa mint vanilla combination is sure to please with its deliciously invigorating fragrance.

When made with fresh ingredients, and stored in a sterile jar, this body butter can last anywhere from 1-2 years.


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What Others Have Said:

  1. My skin is so dry right now, I could really use this! It looks like it smells incredible. Definitely making this! Thank you! I would love if you would share these at my blog party, Celebrate It! It is all about celebrating our wonderful everyday lives!

    • Thanks for the recap, John. I still have yet to comb through the mountain of notes I took. Learned a lot and now have to find the time to implement some of the new ideas I gleaned. It was nice meeting you at Linklove. It do72&n#8s1e;t feel like social media stalking when I’m meeting new people to climb with! I hope to see you again soon, hopefully up on a cliff!

  2. This body butter sounds absolutely incredible. I have made sugar scrubs in the past, but have not attempted a body butter. I think I am going to have to give this a try!

    I would love for you to link up this body butter recipe (and any other beauty post you have) at this week’s Beauty Frenzy Friday link up party. Every post linked up will get pinned and the chance to be featured the following week!

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